New Jersey Divorce Lawyer Discusses Locating Hidden Assets

Are you involved in a high asset divorce looking for hidden assets? Contact dedicated New Jersey Divorce Lawyer Brian Freeman to help you.

New Jersey Divorce LawyerAs an experienced New Jersey Divorce Lawyer, I am often asked how we find all of your spouse’s assets.  In New Jersey, one of the factors that sometimes comes into a divorce is whether one spouse is either hiding assets or has assets overseas. Generally speaking, if it’s a high-asset divorce, you’re going to do an asset search of the other party, or both parties will do an asset search of each other to find hidden assets.

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Assets overseas generally can be subject to a New Jersey divorce, but again that is fact specific because certain countries may not honor a divorce decree or court order from New Jersey or, for that matter, in the United States.

Are you involved in a high asset divorce looking for hidden assets?  Contact dedicated New Jersey Divorce Lawyer Brian Freeman to help you.

This educational blog was brought to you by Brian Freeman, an experienced New Jersey Divorce Lawyer.