Slip and Fall at a Holiday Party

‘Tis the season for gathering together and celebrating. With so many holidays smushed together, there are bound to be many get togethers. There’s Friendsgivings, Christmas parties, Hanukkah celebrations, New Years Eve festivities and probably a dozen of them. If you are injured at a slip and fall at a holiday party, don’t just brush it off and ignore the fact that someone else’s negligence caused you serious injury. You may be able to bring a claim.

Slip and Fall at a Holiday Party | Residential Property

It might be awkward to bring a claim against someone whose house you attended a holiday party at, but that shouldn’t stop you. They have a responsibility to keep their property safe to avoid injury and they did not stay true to that. They might try to make it seem like it was your fault. They’ll say you should’ve seen the hazard, they told people not to walk in the area where you were hurt, or you weren’t paying attention. Our attorneys will fight back against those accusations. We don’t want you taking the blame. In New Jersey, if you are determined at fault for 51% or more of the accident, you cannot recover compensation. We don’t want that to happen to you.

Slip and Fall at a Holiday Party | Hire an Attorney

If you have suffered a serious injury due to the negligence of someone else, you may want to file a personal injury lawsuit. A skilled personal injury lawyer can get you compensation for medical bills, pain and suffering, lost wages, and other expenses arising from the accident.

Serving New Jersey, the slip and fall attorneys at Freeman Law Center, LLC have more than 30 years of experience and have handled thousands of successful claims. We offer a free initial consultation with an experienced lawyer and do all later work on contingency, charging no attorneys’ fees unless you recover damages. Please call our New Jersey slip and fall lawyers today for a free consultation.

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